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While I was attending an event several years ago, the speaker asked for a volunteer. A young girl came to the front, was blindfolded, and then instructed to get to the other side of the room. There were several voices in the room telling her which way to go. Some wanted nothing more than to see her succeed and others were trying to steer her in the wrong direction. She was confused by all the voices and walked cautiously knowing at any moment she could run into a table, chair, or even another person. Suddenly she heard a voice she knew well calling to her, it was her father. She immediately stopped and did what he said. Knowing which voice to listen to isn’t always the easiest task, but the closer we draw to God the easier it is to hear Him loud and clear.

On our journey we hear several voices around us, don’t we? Even if you took the spiritual aspect out of it, people want to give their opinion on everything. Everyone thinks they know what is best.  Do it this way, they say. My good friend had this same exact situation happen. Well, I’ve been in a similar situation and this is what needs to be done. My cousin’s baby daddy’s girlfriend’s mama’s dog once got bit by a child and died, and this is what they did. Fine, you probably don’t hear that a dog got bit by a child and died, but you hear lots of opinions around you. Even if it doesn’t involve the person directly they know someone that knows someone that knows someone that it happened to. There is no situation that is exactly alike though, no two people are exactly the same. No matter how similar, there will always be differences.

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Psalm 37:23

Has your car ever broken down? If you have a newer car you know that much of the vehicle is now computerized and specialized to that particular brand. Gone are the days that you can take your car to any mechanic and they understand exactly what the issue is, now they have to do research on your make and model. I take it to a dealership that specializes in that brand though and they will know very quickly what the issue is. There is nothing wrong with getting Godly counsel, it’s something we should do. The Godliest counsel comes from the Godhead though and not man, just like taking your car to the company that manufactures it is the best option. In 1 Samuel it says that David enquired of the Lord. How often do we inquire of those that we hold closest to our hearts or the ministry that we hold dear, but fail to take it to God and ask Him directly what He wants? As important as Godly counsel is it should never take the place of speaking to God about a situation. Psalm 37:23 says The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Notice it doesn’t say they are ordered by the opinions of man? Also, it doesn’t say man, but a good man. It isn’t all steps by all people, but the steps of a good man that are ordered by God. Our righteousness and our goodness are non existent without God so a good man must be a person that is following after God. 

The more we read His word and spend time with Him we find it is easier to depend on His guidance and receive His wisdom.

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