The Line to Christmas: Ruth Chapter 2 & 3

Spread the loveWe’re at a place in Ruth that we could go in numerous directions. We could simply discuss what happens in the account. We could talk about how the story of Ruth and Boaz is a type and shadow of Christ and the church; that Christ is our kinsman...

Thanks Not Fear

Spread the loveAs christians we preach about thanking God in all situations, but this year many of us have failed to do that. This year I’ve heard very little praise or thanks for what we have. Instead I’ve heard lots of complaining about 2020 and wanting...

The Line to Christmas: Ruth Chapter 1

Spread the loveThe story of Ruth is one of the most famous accounts of redemption in the Old Testament and with good reason. In it we see the foreshadowing of Christ and His love for us. Without pain and tragedy it is difficult to have redemption and Ruth’s...

The Line to Christmas: Rahab

Spread the loveChrist has some amazing men and women in His lineage. He also has some amazing men and women with scandalous pasts in his lineage and Rahab is one of them. If you are not familiar with her story it can be found in Joshua 2 and Joshua 6. From our very...

The Line to Christmas: Tamar

Spread the loveWe understand that Christ was perfect, but His earthly ancestry was not. Look through his genealogy and you’ll see just how not perfect they were! Leading up to Christmas we’ll be taking a look at some of the women in Jesus’ earthy...