What You Date Is What You Marry
While having dinner with some girls from church we were discussing a trend that for the life of me I don't understand. One of the young ladies said she has been in this situation herself and at the time she saw nothing wrong with it. She was speaking of a past...

Feelings are Fleeting
My great nephew has been with me this summer and we've had a blast! This week we took a few days and rented an airbnb. When going there I went a way I wouldn't normally go, but the gps said it was the fastest so we took it. On the way home I decided I'd come the same...

Try or Strive
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. Matthew 13:45-46. Can you image selling everything you have for one pearl? This seems pretty...

A Mother’s Heart
I sat at church today and did the same thing I've done numerous times throughout my life; I watched mothers of all ages go to the front of the building to be recognized for Mother's Day. They're given flowers, plaques, keychains, pictures, cups or some other token of...

Lately, the idea of rest has been popping up everywhere. Maybe it's just because it's been on my mind so I'm noticing it more than normal. Either way, it's a popular topic around my house. You all know I'm headed back to Genesis before going anywhere else so have you...

What Jesus Are You Preaching?
Walls, abortions, and tacos seem to be in my newsfeed on a daily lately regardless of the social media platform. In all honesty, tacos probably won't be going anywhere soon and I'm ok with that! The other two will be changed to new hot topics soon enough. I typically...

Unseen Productivity
I feel like it's been 5 years since I've posted. It obviously hasn't been that long, but it certainly has been a while. As much as I enjoy writing on here sometime this takes a back burner to life. I've been very productive lately, but I don't have a lot to show for...

My Perspective Brings Thanks
We all talk about the silver lining in a situation and I'd like to share a little about the last few days with you. Thanksgiving was great and a bit toasty for my liking. By Saturday it was supposed to be 70 degrees. It's November, come on already, bring on the cold....

Unthankful Thanksgiving
Tis the season...for complaints? Since when did November become the time to be ungrateful? Recently I saw a post that the person wished they could skip Thanksgiving and go straight to Christmas. Yes, let's skip being thankful and go straight to the holiday that people...

No Greater Love
I know some people hate Disney movies for various reasons and I'm fine with that. What I find ridiculous is an article I read saying you shouldn't let your toddler watch Snow White, Cinderella, The Jungle Book, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, or Dumbo...

Not today, Satan, not today
For a brief moment I thought my vehicle was invisible. Surely it was the only logical explanation as to why multiple cars tried to come into my lane and hit me. A few times I had to go over into the next lane and was thankful that no one was on the other side. At my...

Fall is Here !!
OK, so fall isn't actually here for another day. Even then it'll still be hot, but does that stop me from decorating everything in leaves and pumpkins? No! Every year the house is decorated different and you never know what will be where. Here's a few decorations of...

Never Forget
For many reading this post today, knowing today's date, you immediately knew what Never Forget referred to. 17 years ago our world changed, although, I guess, in reality it was our world view that changed, the world remained as it had been. Hatred and evil have been...

Growing Up Growing Apart
In my teen years I had an amazing group of friends and we were inseparable. We were all together, all the time. We would visit each other often and when one was in town we would spend every waking second together. We would write letters, visit, call each other, and...

Trust & Obey
Boys and girls, I got an Instagram. I realize this isn't exciting to anyone else, but it was to me. By the way, that's not really the point of this blog. Some of you have followed me already, thanks for that by the way, you are the bestest! Anyway, you may have...

Pink Socks
If you aren't a fan of what I say, you might want to just go ahead and stop reading now. I can almost guarantee many people will hate this post. I'm not talking they'll disagree a bit. I mean beat red face, throwing a shoe, kicking the dog kind of angry. I'm going to...

How many of you have ever smiled? I'm going to take a wild guess we all have, at least once or twice. How many have smiled even when you weren't happy? It happens all the time; people don't want to discuss their issues or don't want others to know something is wrong....

Male & Female Created He Them
I was listening to some messages online from a church gathering where they had several ministers preaching. I noticed several of the ministers would mention how females were equally important to the men of the church. Just before anyone gets confused - I agree,...

My Teachers – My Parents
I try to avoid certain peoples social media accounts on Mother's Day and Father's Day because they bug me in the worst of ways. "Thank you mom for being both my mom and dad" they say or "thanks dad for stepping up to be both mom and dad". Let's just upset everyone...

Desires of your Heart
Have you ever read Psalm 37; the whole chapter not just verse 4? I bet most of us can quote verse 4 and some can even go on to quote verse 5. Passed that though most have no idea what this chapter is about. I suggest you take the time to read it cause it's really good...