Feelings are Fleeting

Spread the loveMy great nephew has been with me this summer and we’ve had a blast! This week we took a few days and rented an airbnb. When going there I went a way I wouldn’t normally go, but the gps said it was the fastest so we took it. On the way home I...

Try or Strive

Spread the loveAgain, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. Matthew 13:45-46. Can you image selling everything you have for one pearl?...

A Mother’s Heart

Spread the loveI sat at church today and did the same thing I’ve done numerous times throughout my life; I watched mothers of all ages go to the front of the building to be recognized for Mother’s Day. They’re given flowers, plaques, keychains,...


Spread the loveLately, the idea of rest has been popping up everywhere. Maybe it’s just because it’s been on my mind so I’m noticing it more than normal. Either way, it’s a popular topic around my house. You all know I’m headed back to...

What Jesus Are You Preaching?

Spread the loveWalls, abortions, and tacos seem to be in my newsfeed on a daily lately regardless of the social media platform. In all honesty, tacos probably won’t be going anywhere soon and I’m ok with that! The other two will be changed to new hot...

Unseen Productivity

Spread the loveI feel like it’s been 5 years since I’ve posted. It obviously hasn’t been that long, but it certainly has been a while. As much as I enjoy writing on here sometime this takes a back burner to life. I’ve been very productive...