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Roughly a year and a half ago I wrote a post about battle, you can read it here. I’m still praying for some of the situations I was praying for then. Other battles have came and gone and there are new battles that started after that post was written. Things have changed since I wrote that post. Certainly over the course of time circumstances have changed, but more importantly my prayers have changed. A while back I found an older song by CeCe Winans titled Waging War. This song has become a battle cry of sorts for me. If you’d like to listen click here to open the link. Without writing all the words to the song I want to give you part of it in case you don’t know the song and don’t want to listen to it.  The song starts with the words ‘anoint my head anoint my feet’. That is what I want each day, but especially in a battle. I want God’s anointing on me. I want it to flow from my head and saturate me completely. Next it says ‘send your angels raining down here on the battle ground. For your glory we’re taking territory, fighting unseen enemies like never before ‘ The song continues by saying ‘I’m tired of principalities messing with me. I’m tired of the devil stealing from me’ a few lines later the song also says my weapon of power He lives within.

because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4b

Obviously, the song is all about going into spiritual battle. Like the author of the song I’m tired of Satan having what doesn’t belong to him and I’m not just sitting watching it happen as if I’m watching a parade go by. In the past my prayers were often defensive. I’m not sure exactly when it happened but at some point they became offensive. I became the one attacking, I became the one waging war.

Like most females I’ve seen way too many versions of Cinderella regardless of the age of the movie, including Ever After. In many ways I’m a visual person and that doesn’t stop when I’m praying. One day during my prayer I visualized a scene from the movie where the main character and the prince get into a fight with criminals who capture the prince. While negotiating her way out of danger, one of them tells her she can have anything she can carry. She proceeds to lift the prince to carry him away. I remember very little from this scene, but while praying for specific individuals I visualized this small portion of the scene with her lifting him and taking him out. My mind immediately went to pulling the people I was praying for out of the enemies hands in the same way. Isn’t that what our prayers should be doing? Shouldn’t we be pulling people from the fire? Shouldn’t we be on the offensive line? Shouldn’t we be attacking? Shouldn’t we be putting the enemy on notice?

If you know me well, ok if you know me at all, you know that I’m sort of a weirdo. There are times that I’ll be normal and kneel to pray, there are times that I’ll stand, or times that I’ll walk around the room. Then there are times that if you walked in you’d wonder what I was doing. With either my church flag or Bible in hand you’d see me walk around the room praying as if I was going into a battlefield. I understand that the church flag is just a piece of cloth, what it represents though is Christ. The red for His blood, white for His purity, purple for His royalty, and blue for His truth. The flag doesn’t point to me, but to Him. Historically soldiers carried flags into battle and the Smithsonian states “Flags signaled other units in battle, but were also a tangible manifestation of the beliefs and spirit of a group of people. As such, flags were protected to the point of injury or death. Men in service took pride in what their flag meant, whether it symbolized their particular corps or the larger intentions of war. ” When I carry the flag or Bible with me during prayer I know no one else will see it, there are no other soldiers that will be signaled by it. However, it is a tangible representation that Christ is with me, I do not go into battle alone. I come in His name not mine. Remember that whole I visualize thing I told you about? Well, I visualize a battle ground, I visualize me in battle, I see, by faith, the battle being won.

Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield:
but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. 1 Samuel 17:45

Everyone knows I’m a huge fan of David, but I’ve read his account in the Bible and know he didn’t always do right. The whole Bathsheba incident being one of the times he was wrong, so very wrong. It started before he even saw her. He should have been off to battle, but he was at home. If he was at war like he should have been then he wouldn’t have seen her to begin with. Think about war for a moment; if the US is at war, even if I’m not personally in the battle, I may say we’re at war. If my country is at war then I’m at war, right? In this spiritual battle I’m at war, not like David was at war sitting at home while others fought, but like Bathsheba’s husband, Urijah, was at war. When I say the song Waging War has become my battle cry or my motto, I mean I’m waging war is MY battle cry. Not just a battle cry, but the one I shout on the battlefield because I’m personally fighting. I’ll be like the Cinderella character and pull people out. Do I except it to be easy? Not at all. Here’s some things I do expect. I expect the enemy to fight back because he doesn’t like what is happening. I expect to be tired and battle worn. I expect that the angels in Heaven know my name. I expect those great cloud of witnesses spoke of in Hebrews 12 to know the work that is being done in Jesus’ name. I fully expect the forces of Hell will know my name also. Acts 19:15  says And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye? How sad would it be if it were said I am so weak the enemy isn’t even aware of me.  I expect that when I pray mountains will move, not can, not may, but WILL move. I expect it to be worth it in the end when battles are won in the name of Jesus. I expect to see those souls in Heaven with me. I have big faith because I serve a big God. I can’t guarantee when the battles will be won, but I can guarantee that in Jesus name they will be because